
Eu: “Alo da?”
X :“Sa stii ca sunt foarte suparata pe tine: cainele a murit de la tranchilizarea facuta de tine !!!”
Eu: “… ? “
X: “ Da, azi l-am gasit mort! Si am vorbit si eu cu alti medici si mi-au spus ca SIGUR este de la tranchilizarea prea puternica pe care ai facut-o acum doua zile. Ca s-au dilatat vasele si d-asa a vomat sange a doua zi cand s-a trezit… ”
Eu: “ Doamna imi pare rau… Nu am citit niciunde ca voma cu sange ar putea fi efect secundar al substantelor pe care le-am folo…”
X: “ Ti-am dat telefon ca sa stii ca nu e bine deloc ce faci si sa nu se mai repete la alte animale. Am si eu parintii medici si stiu de la ei ca exista complicatii, dar … eu am incercat sa-l salvez si acum este mort. Sa stii ca s-a stins o VIATA din cauza ta!”
Eu: “ Mda …”
X: “ Sa ai o zi buna !” si telefonul se inchide brusc


Nu de putine ori lumea ma contacteaza ca fiind ultima lor speranta in a tranchiliza caini care ori trebuie relocati in adaposturi de frica hingherilor ori tratati sau castrati. Cel mai probabil am despasit o mie de tranchilizari in teren pana in acest moment. Aici nu ma refer la totalul anesteziilor facute de mine, ci doar la tranchilizatul de la distanta a animalelor libere cu ajutorul sarbacanei sau a pustii.
De-a lungul timpului mi-a fost dat sa intalnesc foarte multe situatii diferite, lucru care mi-a cladit o experineta ce nu tine numai de cunostintele substanteleor si logisticii pe care le folosesc ci si de comportamentul cainilor, al persoanelor din jur si al conditiilor si riscurilor oferite de teren. Am lucrat in paduri, printre blocuri si in scari de blocuri, in subsoluri, pe proprietati private, pe strazi aglomerate, in beciuri, prin canalizari, in namoale, in ploaie, in arsita, prin zapada, pe timp de noapte, pe campuri, printre toberoane si gunoaie, printre haite de caini, de pe acoperisuri, in fata politiei, in fata ambasadelor cu strajerii lor armati, in fata iubitorilor de caini sau a celor care ii urasc…

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Capture and relocation a family of moorhens (11 chicks and the mother) from a artificial pond in Bucharest that was about to be covered by a construction company






Thirty-five free-range feral horses were successfully remotely anaesthetised for immunocontraception using different combinations of ketamine/medetomidine with or without hyaluronidase. Only horses where fully discharged darts induced anaesthesia (without any top-up darts and/or previous deflected) were included in our study. A mean (x̅) induction time of 8.85 minutes (SD = 4.76) was recorded for a group of 28/35 horses that were immobilised with ketamine (1.45 – 3.8 mg/kg, x̅ = 2.32 mg/kg) and medetomidine (0.05 – 0.15 mg/kg, x̅= 0.09 mg/kg) and a mean induction time of 9 minutes (SD = 4.83) for another group (7/35) that received ketamine (1.25 – 2.2 mg/kg, x̅ = 1.74 mg/kg), medetomidine (0.08 – 0.17 mg/kg,  = 0.119) and hyaluronidase (2.85 – 4.4 IU/kg, x̅ = 3.64 IU/kg). Approx. 25 minutes after induction five horses in the first study group (n = 28) and two from the second (n = 7) required additional 1.4 mg/kg ketamine I.V. to achieve a deeper anaesthesia level. The mean duration of anaesthesia was 69.56 min (SD = 12.87) for the first study group and 73.8 min (SD = 20.54) for the second study group. Heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature and SpO2 were measured and recorded during recumbency. No specific antidote (atipamezole) was given, except for one individual due to critical clinical conditions. During reversal the horses were manually assisted to sternal position with the front limbs extended, which facilitated their raising. Once standing most of the horses preferred to remain stationary if not disturbed. Some tachypnoea and one case of a  stormy awakening was reported, however, there were no post-anaesthestic complications or injuries.

Chemical immob Zoovet2014 vers2_000001

Poster final Chemical immob Zoovet2014


Full article here:




Slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) are listed as vulnerable or endangered (IUCN Red List) endemic primate species in Indonesia, heavily hunted for the pet trade. During a six-months-period of medical assistance at IAR Ciapus primate center – West Java, a series of Slow Loris uncommon pathologies were reported.

(the following is the ppt. presentation we gave at the International Conference of Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals, 8-11 May, Vienna- Austria )



The slow loris is a small primitive nocturnal primate, the only “poisonous” primate which can excrete a toxin underneath its armpit, “deliver” it with the bite which may lead to anaphylactic shock.
When sold as pets in order to reduce the risk of bites , it is a comune practice for people to cut their sharp teeth.
The species is under serious threat of extinction as a result of habitat loss, illegal trade for pets and for traditional medicine. Because of its “cute” appearance, the illegal wildlife trade is believed to be an even bigger threat to the slow loris’s survival than habitat loss.
The Javan slow loris is included in the category of ‘endangered’ species on the IUCN Red List and named as one of the 25 most endangered primates in the world.


The NGO : International Animal Rescue has established a facility specializing in the care of slow lorises in Ciapus, West Java, Indonesia.
The team here focuses on the rehabilitation and release of the slow loris , long-tailed and pig-tailed macaques. Is the only rehab station of its kind in Indonesia. It shelters around 100 rescued slow lorises.
The centre has a fully equipped veterinary clinic, quarantine enclosures, primate socialization enclosures and a public education centre.

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This is an article on feral horse remote chemical immobilization  submitted and accepted for poster presentation at the  International  Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals, 16th-19th May 2012, Bussolengo/Verona, Italy.

You can download full article here: Alternative chemical immobilization protocol in a group of captive feral horses using homemade remote delivery

During a 6 months period, we managed to safely perform 102 remote chemical immobilisations on a group of 50 recently captured feral horses. For all procedures a standard combination of 25 mg detomidine, 62.5 mg tiletamine, 62.5 mg zolazepam and 10 mg butorphanol per delivered dart was used and repeated when necessary. We used 3.5 ml handmade darts delivered by an 11 mm wide improvised blowpipe. For better darting and anaesthesia induction results an additional smaller no-eye contact enclosure, was built which reduced the stress of the immobilisation procedures. Bigger and highly temperamental horses needed more than one dart to get recumbent. In most cases (78.4%) the horses had a smooth induction and awakening. The 19.6% rougher awakenings were attributed to longer anaesthesia onset and duration or to the individual horses temperament.

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39 free range wild horses (males and females) were brought from Danube Delta and kept altogether in a 3500 m2 square shaped paddock. Because of different reasons including infectious diseases issues and high aggression of the stallions in a compact group, we have decided that the sterilization of the adult males will be the best option to take.

Physiological and behavioral considerations:

Despite their normal peer preference, when they tend to form groups of 4-5 individuals, once a disturbance in their daily habit takes place, the horses stick together, are extremely cautious of the surroundings and gallop as a heard.

In comparison with the domesticated horses, in these horses we noticed a tendency for masking the underlying diseases and a higher capacity to cope with pain. Continue Reading »

It often happens that your dart syringe gets lost or destroyed, like in the case of darting monkeys when they just take it from their buts and dismissively destroy 10 dollars of equipment it in your face. And, in my case I have never used less that 4 shots on a macaque to hit him good. In this case you definitely cannot afford around 50 dollars only to immobilize an animal. So you have to find other cheep ways to stay in business of  treating wild-animals. So, here is how you can make your own dart syringe and needle  from two 3 ml normal Luer lock syringes and 18 G needles , that will cost you a couple of cents.

Dart destroyed by macaque

Dart destroyed by macaque

Homemade dart syringes  and the material required

Homemade dart syringes and the material required

Ovidiu Rosu

* This is a case discussion submitted to the Exotic DVM Yahoo group

The condition started 4 months ago, on the 16th of march, when the animal was brought to the clinic presenting  one ulcerative lesion on the palmar side of one finger articulation (on the right leg).
It was treated twice a day with Clindamycin orally and a traditional chinese mix plant powder topically for one week. The ulcer got bigger and after one week we’ve started giving Synulox, Metacam and put bandage on the wound. The process deteriorated involving the underlying tissues, muscles, tendons. After 3 weeks we’ve decided to amputate 2 of the fingers and change the bandage daily under Iso anesthesia. We were not able to find enough skin to surgically close the wound properly so we left it open hopeing to heal per secondam. Topically we’ve put Bioplacenton gel (Neomicyn/ placenta extract mix) and decided to stop the systemic antibiotics.

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* This is a case discussion submitted to the Exotic DVM Yahoo group
Male slow loris, 530 grams, big amount of pus in the cheek due to a tooth extraction.

almost 2 months ago we’ve made the dental extraction of the right and left upper P4 premolars (they were rotten insde), and put him on oral Amoxi/Clav ac. and metacam. The folowing days we saw that there was a little amount of pus from the right upper premolar hole, flush it for a little while and after some other couple of days everything seemed cleaned so we’ve send him to his rehab place.
It passed one week and we saw a fairly big amount of puss coming down from the extraction hole of the right premolar. This time we’ve started giving Baytril for 5 days, but still no improvement so we’ve changed it to Synulox (8 days), and this time we did not see animore the pus (so back to his place agian). Continue Reading »

* This is a case discussion submitted to the Exotic DVM Yahoo group

IAR rescue-rehab-release center of orangutans in Ketapang, West Kalimantan Island, Indonesia.

Baby male orangutan, 7 kilos, 1,5 years, relapsing from Entameoba histolityca infection.

The problems started this January, with a first ameobiasis infection, being apathic and having mucous bloody feces. It was treated with the standard metronidazole 15mg/kg BID for 10 day,then the animal recovered.
After some weeks we saw that he was pale, we’ve took a look at the blood and saw he had malaria (pretty frequent in that area). He was treated for it and improved.

After the malaria episode, another couple of weeks had passed and we saw again signs of aptahy this time with high fever, low Ht and low trombocites. This time he was diagnosed having Dengue Fever. Continue Reading »